Friday, January 6, 2012

Understanding Asbestos in Colorado

There are many misconceptions about asbestos and you may be surprised to find the many products that are manufactured with asbestos today. In the restoration industry we are constantly faced with asbestos. We must issue tests to ensure that the restored areas are asbestos free or face hefty fines. Here is some information to help you understand what exactly asbestos is and how to protect yourself.
Q: What is asbestos?
A: The Colorado Department of Health and Development states that, "Asbestos is the name given to a number of naturally occurring minerals that have been mined for their useful properties such as thermal insulation, chemical and thermal stability, and high tensile strength. The types of asbestos that are regulated are: Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Anthophyllite, Tremolite, and Actinolite. Asbestos deposits can be found throughout the world and are still mined in Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the former Soviet Union"

Q: Why is Asbestos a Hazard?
A:  According to The Colorado Department of Health and Development ,"Asbestos is made up of microscopic bundles of fibers that may become airborne when distributed. These fibers get into the air and may become inhaled into the lungs, where they may cause significant health problems. Researchers still have not determined a "safe level" of exposure but we know the greater and the longer the exposure, the greater the risk of contracting an asbestos-related disease. Some of these health problems include:
• Asbestosis - a lung disease that cases scarring of the lungs. Eventually, this scarring may become so severe that the lungs cannot function. The latency period (meaning the time it takes for the disease to become developed) is often 25-40 years.
• Mesothelioma - a cancer of the lining of the lung and chest and/or the lining of the abdominal wall. This form of cancer is peculiar because the only known cause is from asbestos exposure. The latency period for mesothelioma is often 15-50 years.
• Lung Cancer – can be caused by asbestos. The effects of lung cancer are often greatly increased by cigarette smoking (by about 50%). Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract can also be caused by asbestos. The latency period for cancer is often 15-30 years."
Asbestos becomes a hazard when it is airborne. Otherwise, when left alone, asbestos poses very little threat. 

Asbestos Bans:

Products that contain asbestos:
For more information and downloadable content about asbestos laws in Colorado follow these links:
Asbestos Bans
General Asbestos Information
Renovating and Demo Information

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