Friday, January 27, 2012

Save Your Business in an Emergency

Example of how an emergency ready profile identifies key locations
       Of businesses that suffer from a disaster, such as fire and water, roughly fifty percentage of those businesses are never able to reopen their doors. Of the businesses that survive, an overwhelming majortiy of them had a preparedness plan in place. Disaster can strike at any time. According to FEMA, in 2010 there were 362,100 structural fires with a result of a 6,646,900,000.00 dollar loss.  At SERVPRO, we offer a free, comprehensive preparedness plan to help prevent more damage than necessary.

    A water loss can be a very costly disaster. The amount of time that a structure is exposed -to water is directly related to amount of damage that is created. With an Emergency -Ready Profile in place, all occupants of a structure would have knowledge of where the water shut off is located and potentially save the structure from damage and potentially save lives.
    In addition to clearly photographing, describing location, and providing access information, the gas and water shut off locations are clearly marked with large and easy to read tags. The profile includes any clear descriptions that would be worth noting.
    Key information such as utility providers, HR information, maintenance personal, and more would be clearly documented along with contact information for each.
Water Tag used to mark shut off
    Because each building or business or home has specific needs, the Emergency Ready Profile can be tailored to fit the needs of each prospective business. For more information about creating a free Emergency Ready Profile, contact SERVPRO of Grand Junction at 970-241-8181.

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