Friday, April 20, 2012

Mold, Mildew and Mitigation

We have all seem mold before. Mold is common and occurs naturally in a variety of envirments; even dry places such as deserts climates.  Getting rid of small amounts of mold can be simple if a  biocide, or anti-microbial is used.
There is a common misconception that bleach kills mold; however, this is not true. Bleach simply takes the color out of mold. If you have continually cleaned the same moldy spot with bleach over and over again, this statement proves ture.
    Small amounts of common mold can be easily cleaned by a homeowner. However, is you suspect a larger mold problem, it takes a professional to correctly clean the mold and prevent regrowth.
     If you suspect mold growth or have questions, email

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