Thursday, May 17, 2012

Educating Kids About Fire

The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) reports the children of all ages set more than 35,000 fires annually, including an estimated 14,5000 structure fires. Figures show that each year about 150 people are killed with more than $200 million worth of property is destroyed in fires started by children.

You can educate your children about fire to prevent tragedy:

·   Keep matches and lighters in a secured drawer or cabinet

·   Have your children tell you when they find matches and lighters

·   Develop a home fire escape plan, practice it with your children and designate a meeting place outside.

·   Supervise young children closely. Do not leave them alone even if for short periods of time.

·  Take the mystery out of fire by teaching children that fire is a tool, not a toy.

·   Teach children the nature of fire. It is FAST, HOT, DARK, and DEADLY.

· Demonstrate how to stop, drop, and roll if their clothes catch on fire.

· Show children how to crawl to on the floor, below the smoke, to get of the house and stay out in case of fire.

·   Do not use lighters, candles and matches as a source of amusement. Children often imitate the actions of their parents.

·  Remember, no lighter is child-proof. Some are merely child-resistant.

·  Teach your children what your smoke alarm sounds like and walk them through the escape plan several times a year.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Prevent Water Damage While on Vacation

        The chance of a flood happening in your home while you are on vacation is small. However, in the event that it did happen, the damage would be large. The most simple way to prevent water damage while you are away is to shut off the water main to your home.
      The key to preventing further damage from a water loss, such as mold growth, is fast response. Fast response cannot happen if no one is home to call for clean-up. To prevent water damage and worse, colstly and health-threatening mold growth, shut off your water before leaving on vacation.
      Most water shut offs can be found in garages, ulitility closets, and sometimes crawl spaces. In older homes, the water shut off may be difficult to find and could be located in the ground that needs a key for access.
     If you have water damage and need cleanup- trust SERVPRO of Grand Junction to make it, "Like it never even happened."
SERVPRO of Grand Junction: 970-241-8181

A water shut off valve in a crawlspace

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shockingly Static Carpet?

Do you experience light shocks after walking across your carpet? This static is formed by the friction of your shoes against fibers in the carpet. Usually there us enough moisture or humidity in the air to carry off the static charge as it is formed, but when the weather turns dry and the humidity is low, watch out!
     The tendency to generate a static charge at low humidity varies from carpet to carpet. Some of the new carpets have anti-static agents built into the fibers. Other carpets use very fine metal wires or even conductive latex within the carpet to carry off the static. Anti-static protection of this type usually lasts for the life of the carpet,
      If your carpet has none of these innovations and acquires static in dry weather, it may still be possible to obtain some relief through increasing the humidity or by the use of anti0static agent sprayed on the face of the carpet. Many home products of this type are available from your local store. These, however are not permanent and generally become less effective after a period of time.
      SERVPRO can apply an anti-static agent to your carpet that will last through an entire heating season. 970-241-8181.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Removing Furnitire Depressions

     Furniture legs may cause depressions in your carpet if allowed to stay too long in one position. If furniture is moved, the carpet will spring up in time, but often can take weeks or even months.
      For immediate care, cover the furntiure depression with a damp cloth, steam with a warm iron and then brush the briskly with a coin or a kitchen butter knife that is not sharp. Correct professional cleaning will usually remove carpet depressions.
    If you need professional help with your carpet, give us a call at 970-241-8181

Friday, April 20, 2012

Mold, Mildew and Mitigation

We have all seem mold before. Mold is common and occurs naturally in a variety of envirments; even dry places such as deserts climates.  Getting rid of small amounts of mold can be simple if a  biocide, or anti-microbial is used.
There is a common misconception that bleach kills mold; however, this is not true. Bleach simply takes the color out of mold. If you have continually cleaned the same moldy spot with bleach over and over again, this statement proves ture.
    Small amounts of common mold can be easily cleaned by a homeowner. However, is you suspect a larger mold problem, it takes a professional to correctly clean the mold and prevent regrowth.
     If you suspect mold growth or have questions, email

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Leaky Roof?

     After the day's burst of hail and rain, some Grand Junction residents may need water resetoration done in their home or busniesses. SERVPRO of Grand Junction is avaialable 24/7 and ready to help you may your water leak, "Like it even happened."
     Our technicians are certified by the Clean Trust and can help you restore your home or busniess back to normal. Call 970-241-8181 to have a technician dispatched to your emergency.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Skunk Season Starts in Spring

     As the weather warms, little critters become active. Skunks are nocturnal animals but will come out from their dens as it becomes warmer outside.  Because they do not feed very much through the winter, they are now in search of food.
     Their activity will result in unpleasant odors. If you have encountered a skunk, SERVPRO of Grand Junction can help with odor detection and removal.